This requires:
- Verified data, facts and clear targets
- Management engagement
- Systematic implementation
- Utility Procurement (When market conditions are prime)
- Continual improvement and performance management
- Managed cultural change
Our approach offers to implement a Complete Energy Management Solution composed of executive engagement, policy development, best practice guidance, procurement, embedded expertise and effective data management & reporting.
Energy savings are delivered through the implementation of energy reduction policies*, practices, engagement and ongoing performance management of energy efficiency.
We follow a managed approach to energy and carbon reduction. This approach rests on pragmatic, commercial and internally managed processes. The aim is to deliver immediate low risk savings.
We bring together expertise from various carbon reduction disciplines. We offer an integrated, cross specialism approach that is the only reliable long-term solution. Our team and associates are experts in their individual fields. The combination of their expertise, embedded in your organisation, is what makes our approach stand out.
What do we aim to achieve?
The objectives of our approach are to: Work as part of your team!
- To capture and present both energy and financial data in a format and language familiar to the finance function and business decisions makers.
- To engage by providing data and financial modelling needed for them to confidently identify and decide on energy reduction projects, and how to most rapidly reduce energy spend from across the business.
- Undertake procurement of Utilities as the market dictates is best for your organisation.
- Identify through audit energy reduction / cost savings initiatives for consideration at different levels of investment and energy performance.
- Ensure that the your organisation remains compliant at all times against legislation currently and as it changes.
Immediate Benefits
- No more commission based purchasing!
- Our team is managing your energy requirements as a member of your team – NOT a TPI!
- Savings on not paying broker commissions for purchasing, compliance, CRC,CHPs and much more
- Immediate surveys for JDI* Implementation – General Site savings on a no or little cost basis
- Base load, Peak load and maximum demand review : Potential contract savings
So what do we do from Day One
- Implement LOA’s to ensure full access to information
- Bring energy data up to date and present a solution of baseline savings and a forecast for the way forward and to enhance your position in the energy arena
- Ensure continuity in compliance to avoid fines and aim to reduce administration costs
- Identify through audit energy reduction / cost savings initiatives for consideration at different levels of investment and energy performance
- Ready utility procurement when market conditions change
- Create a energy management program to deliver savings without adversely impacting day to day operation
Carry out site assessment for:
- Energy Consuming Assets
- Immediate savings
- LZC and Renewable options
- Water procurement & analytics for leakages and bill validation
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Self Generation & Supplier status management
*Where relevant